
Song three: 早安,晨之美/Good morning, breakfast



A good meal delivered;) 



Be able to sing alone with the music

*Listen to the song three more times
*Associate the sound of the lyrics to your language
*Possibly make up some new lyrics in your language

*Bring a camera for presentation

Next Meeting (presentation)
19,03 Tuesday 3-4pm at L208 (subject to change to 207 or 206A/B)


Be able to remember the melody of the song
Be able to recognize key vocabularies

Vocabularies Review
之 zhi/-   of (something) 
早 can/v morning 早安
不 bu/、 no 不對
對 dui/、correct 對啊
一 yi/-     one
吃 chi/-   eat 多吃
安 an/-    safe, relief 早安
多 duo/-  many 不多
美 mei/v  beautiful 多美

*Listen to the song three more times
*Introduce the song to a friend and listen together

Next Meeting
12,03 Tuesday 3-4pm at L207

Good morning, breakfast by Lu

KTV version


Breakfast in Taipei

Taiwanese breakfast in Hamburg (German)


早安,晨之美/Good morning, Breakfast (Zao An, Chen Zhi Mei)
by 盧廣仲 (Lu Guang Zhong/Crowd Lu)

繁體中文 traditional Chinese
!吃早餐阿!快點啦! (Hey! Let’s eat breakfast! Hurry up!)
hei! chi zao can a! kuai dian la!

有好多好多早餐在這裡 (There’s many kinds of food here.)
you hao duo hao duo zao can zai zhe li

在我們最熟悉的早餐店裡 (In the breakfast café that we are most familiar with.)
zai wo men zui shu xi de zao can dian li

不管你睡的多晚起的多晚 (No matter how late you stay up and how late you get up,)
bu guan ni shui de duo wan  qi de duo wan

晨之美永遠在這裡歡迎光臨你 (chen zhi mei is always there welcoming you.)
chen zhi mei yong yuan zai zhe li huan ying guang lin ni

對啊,對啊。對啊,對啊。 (That’s right, that’s right…)
dui a, dui a
dui a, dui a  (X 3)

dui a, dui a
dui a

Repeat verse and chorus 2x

We share the morning~

We share the milk tea~

我一直在這裡陪你一起 (I am always here being with you.)
wo yi zhi zai zhe li pei ni yi qi